Best Gluten Free Italian Bread: Easy Homemade Recipe

This article is a great way to learn valuable information about gluten-free Italian bread and offers a fantastic recipe to try at home.

Is Italian Bread Gluten Free?

No, traditional Italian bread is not gluten-free. Traditional Italian bread is made with wheat flour, water, salt, and yeast. However, gluten-free Italian bread substitutes wheat flour with a combination of rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, and xanthan gum. This gluten-free flour blend results in a mouthwatering and hearty loaf suitable for various occasions.

Advantages of Gluten-Free Italian Bread

gluten-free bread

1. Health Benefits for Those with Celiac Disease

Gluten-free Italian bread is a fantastic option for individuals with celiac disease, as it allows them to enjoy a delicious slice without any adverse effects on their health.

This bread is crafted with whole grains abundant in fiber and vital nutrients, providing a more nutritious choice than traditional high-carb bread. By choosing this type of bread, those with celiac disease can relish the taste and texture of this classic staple while maintaining their well-being.

2. Delightful Taste

Many individuals who consume gluten-free products expect that the taste will be lacking or the texture will be dry and unappetizing. However, a well-prepared gluten-free Italian bread uses high-quality ingredients. It boasts a perfectly golden crust, making it truly delicious.

If you’re searching for a tasty and wholesome alternative to conventional wheat-based Italian bread, try making this bread and experience firsthand why so many people are fond of this delightful bread.

Homemade Gluten-Free Italian Bread Recipe

homemade gluten free Italian bread

For best results, we recommend using the ingredients below.


  • 2 cups white rice flour
  • 1 cup tapioca flour
  • 1 cup potato starch
  • 1 tablespoon xanthan gum (or guar gum)
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon active dry yeast
  • 1 1/2 cups warm water (110°F/45°C)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 large egg whites, room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar


  1. Whisk together the white rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, xanthan gum, sugar, and salt in a large mixing bowl. Set aside.
  2. In a separate small bowl, dissolve the active dry yeast in the warm water. Allow the mixture to sit for 5-10 minutes or until frothy.
  3. Whisk together the olive oil, egg whites, and apple cider vinegar in another small bowl.
  4. Add the yeast mixture and the egg white mixture to the dry ingredients. Mix with a wooden spoon or electric stand mixer with a paddle attachment until a smooth, slightly sticky dough forms.
  5. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  6. Transfer the dough onto the prepared baking sheet and shape it into a round or oval loaf using wet hands. Smooth the surface of the loaf with a wet spatula if necessary. You can also use a loaf pan to shape and bake the gluten-free Italian bread, giving it a uniform and structured appearance.
  7. Cover the loaf with a clean, damp kitchen towel. Let it rise in a warm place for 35-45 minutes or until it has almost doubled in size.
  8. Bake the loaf in the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the bread sounds hollow when tapped. A toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf should come out clean.
  9. Remove the bread from the oven and let it cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes. Then, transfer the loaf to a wire rack to cool completely before slicing.

Recipe Questions

homemade bread

Can white rice flour be substituted with brown rice flour?

White rice flour can be substituted with brown rice flour in most recipes. Brown rice flour has a slightly nuttier flavor and a coarser texture than white rice flour, but it can still work well in gluten-free recipes.

When using brown rice flour as a substitute, you may need to adjust the liquid content of the recipe slightly, as brown rice flour tends to be more absorbent. It’s important to note that the final product might have a slightly different taste and texture, but the overall result should still be satisfactory.

Do I have to use xanthan gum (or guar gum)?

No, you don’t have to use xanthan gum or guar gum in this recipe, but they are commonly used to improve the dough’s texture and elasticity. If you choose not to use them, the bread might have a different texture and may not rise.

Should I use instant yeast instead of active dry yeast?

You can use instant yeast instead of active dry yeast in gluten-free Italian bread, but adjust the rise time and yeast quantity accordingly.

Can I prepare gluten-free Italian bread without yeast?

Yes, it is possible to make gluten-free Italian bread without yeast. Substitute 1 tablespoon of baking powder for the active dry yeast and skip the yeast proofing in warm water. While the bread may not be as fluffy, it will still taste delicious.

How can I add more flavor to my bread?

gluten-free bread with seeds

To add more flavor to your gluten-free Italian bread, consider incorporating your favorite dried herbs or spices into the dough, such as rosemary, thyme, or oregano. You can add seeds or nuts to the dough for texture and taste.

What if the dough is too sticky or I want a crunchy crust?

If the dough is too sticky, add a little more rice flour. If it’s too dry, add a bit more warm water. For a crispier or crunchy crust, brush the top of the loaf with a mixture of egg white and water before baking.

What if my gluten-free bread doesn’t rise?

For those new to baking yeast bread, particularly gluten-free yeast bread, there may be concerns about the dough not rising adequately. It’s important to remember that yeast is active across a broad temperature spectrum, but its reproduction rate varies depending on the temperature.

How can I tell when gluten-free Italian bread is fully baked?

Your gluten-free Italian bread is ready when it turns golden brown and produces a hollow sound when tapped. To test for doneness, insert a toothpick or cake tester into the center of the loaf. If it comes out clean, the bread is done; otherwise, bake for a few more minutes and check again.

How long does it take to make this bread?

The entire process of making gluten-free Italian bread takes approximately 2 hours. This time includes mixing and kneading the dough, allowing it to rise, and baking the bread. Plan accordingly and relish the results!

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Notes & Tips

gluten free bread

Serving suggestions

Plenty of delicious and wholesome options complement your homemade gluten-free Italian bread. Some possibilities include pairing the bread with soups and stews, cheese or charcuterie platters, salad bowls, sliced meats and vegetables, hummus, dips, butter, or margarine.

Optimal storage methods for gluten-free Italian bread

Store your bread in a cool, dark location to keep fresh bread for an extended period. Wrap the loaf in parchment paper or aluminum foil, and minimize its exposure to air.

Refrigerate or freeze your bread for an even longer shelf life. Proper storage means your loaf should remain fresh for several days or weeks. Thaw at room temperature or toast when you’re ready to enjoy.

Freezing your bread for future consumption

To freeze your bread, tightly wrap your loaf in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before placing it in the freezer. When you’re ready to enjoy your bread, let it thaw at room temperature or in the refrigerator for several hours. Alternatively, toast the frozen bread for added texture and flavor.

The options are virtually limitless when complementing your gluten-free bread with your favorite dishes! Whether hosting a dinner party or savoring a casual snack, your homemade bread will surely hit the spot.

Gluten-Free Italian Bread FAQs

Is there wheat in gluten-free Italian bread?

No. It is prepared with a mix of white rice flour, tapioca starch, potato starch, and xanthan gum.

Which flour is used in Italian gluten-free bread?

Italian gluten-free bread is typically made with a blend of white rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, and xanthan gum. This mix of gluten-free flours produces a light and airy loaf, perfect for pairing with your favorite Italian meals.

You can also use whole grain sorghum flour in your recipes. Sorghum flour adds a pleasant taste and contributes to the bread’s structure and texture. Some people like to add a small quantity of potato flour to their gluten-free flours.

Potato flour can contribute to the overall flavor, add moisture, and structure the dough. However, it has a stronger taste, so it’s better if used in small quantities.

Is gluten-free Italian bread a healthy option?

Yes, this bread can be nutritious for individuals with celiac disease or following a restricted diet.

What does gluten-free Italian bread taste like?

Gluten-free Italian bread boasts a light and airy texture with a subtle flavor. It complements your favorite Italian dishes or can be savored with butter or olive oil.

In conclusion, this easy homemade recipe for the best gluten-free Italian bread is a game-changer for those with dietary restrictions or simply seeking a healthier alternative.

Following the steps provided, you can enjoy a delicious, fluffy, and satisfying loaf that pairs wonderfully with a wide range of dishes. Don’t hesitate to try it and relish the delightful experience of crafting your bread at home.

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