Listening Comprehension in Italian: Leonardo da Vinci

listening comprehension in Italian: Leonardo da Vinci

Welcome to the “Leonardo da Vinci” listening comprehension in Italian lesson. In this lesson, you will learn all about one of the greatest artists, inventors, and scientists in history: Leonardo da Vinci.

Learn About Leonardo da Vinci

Known for his iconic works of art, such as the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, this Italian genius has left a lasting legacy in the history of art and science. But not only is his art influential, but his inventions and scientific discoveries are also impressive.

He was ahead of his time in many ways, and his notebooks were filled with drawings and ideas ahead of his era’s technology.

Improve Your Italian Listening Comprehension

This lesson will help you improve your listening comprehension skills by providing the Italian audio recording and the translation of English and Italian. By listening to the lecture about Leonardo da Vinci, you will learn about his life, his works, and his impact on the world while practicing your Italian listening skills.

So, get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Leonardo da Vinci and improve your listening comprehension in Italian.

Italian Version:

Leonardo da Vinci era un artista famoso in Italia. Era molto bravo a dipingere e a fare disegni. Ha dipinto quadri famosi come la Monna Lisa. Ma non era solo un artista, era anche un inventore e uno scienziato.

Ha inventato molte cose come il carro armato e l’elicottero prima che esistessero davvero. Era molto intelligente e curioso e voleva sempre imparare di più. Ha scritto molte note e disegni nei suoi quaderni. È stato una delle persone più famose e più creative della sua epoca.

English Translation:

Leonardo da Vinci was a famous artist in Italy. He was very good at painting and drawing. He painted famous paintings like the Mona Lisa. But he was not just an artist. He was also an inventor and a scientist.

He invented many things like the tank and the helicopter before they existed. He was brilliant and curious and always wanted to learn more. He wrote many notes and drawings in his notebooks. He was one of the most famous and creative people of his time.

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